My All Time Favourite Game
This image was found via google search "Gears of War"
My all time favourite franchise is the Gears of War titles. Since I was the age of 8 I have been playing Gears of War. It began with my brother picking it up with the Xbox 360. My brother, 6 years older than me was much more active when it came to playing this Rated 18s title. I would sometimes watch and wait until I could get the chance to play myself. There has been 5 titles since the original Gears of War which was released in 2006. Still to this day I play the Gears franchise, the current title being "GEARS 5" a small rebrand from it's prior titles. Over the summer and during lockdown I have began livestreaming on where stream playing GEARS 5 almost every day anywhere between 4-8 hours.
I've been in the Gears community for many years and have competed on this game in tournaments in the past. Unfortunately not winning any but have attended international events to play. My stream has gotten extremely popular now and people I once looked up to, I'm now friends with and pulling even more number than them at times. This game has been such a big part of my life opening many opportunities and it's really only beginning. Sadly with this current pandemic all international's events, even national events are cancelled and not future time on when they might resume.
Gears of War has always impacted me like no other game. The emotion portrayed from these 3D characters really hits home. I feel like I've grown up with these characters, over the years learning so much about them, Their relationships, loss, success, failure everything. Marcus Fenix, the lead protagonist of the franchise, a war hero constantly saving his home but at times finding him in despair. One scene I'll never forget. His best friend, somebody he would call a brother, Dominic Santiago who since day one of the release has been by his side fighting with every last drop, sacrifices himself to save his squad all while Marcus, and the players watch in an emotional suicide to rejoice with his late wife Maria.
Truly impacting stuff. Each time I watch it I'm with with a flurry of emotions and have teared up more times than once. The Gears of War staple sound track "Mad world" plays as Dom drives a vehicle into a tanker of oil in an attempt to kill all Locust to save delta squad. This song is used each time a devastating event happens in the campaign.
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