Game Idea Research

According to Research: Why Video Games Are Good For You! | by Ida Broni |  Writing in the Media | Medium

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The game I am choosing to create for the remainder of this project is going to be a FPS style shooter. Now, right off the bat that seems complex and, in all honesty I am a little sceptical about the workload that may be involved but after doing quite a lot of research I definitely think it is manageable. I don't plan on creating anything too spectacular my main goal is to have the basic mechanics of the game to work properly along with some basic graphics. If in time I'm capable of creating more detailed graphics and find the time and resources to do so, I most definitely will but the priority is for my game to run as intended. I will begin with the sheer minimum. an open plane, untextured perhaps with some 3D objects to add some atmosphere and to create placeholders for future development. ideally I would like the game to run as a quick response, precision shooter which while having fun and exciting aspects to the game, can be used to train reaction times along with precision. 

I have played aim training games in the past some more complex than others, some extremely basic where movement I s restricted and it is literally point and shoot as fast as possible. I want a little bit more than that from my game I was it to be playable by anybody on a basic level, where there is some enjoyment but I also was there to be some skill aspect to it for those who wish to spend a little more time at it and have some experience in playing FPS shooters. A joyful yet beneficial game. I intend to have targets, unsure of which kind human, static, object, still unsure b ut I do want critical points that deal more damage.

Critical Damage Points

In almost every shooter, headshots when fighting against enemies, whether is be humans, salients, robot, anything 99% of the time there is a critical hit location which will deal more damage to the target. This in turn, saving resources such as ammunition along with valuable time which could determine whether you complete a mission/task or not. As I'm still unsure of what the layout of my targets will be I know this will most definitely be a game mechanic that I will be implementing into the game.

Examples of Critical Damage in Games

Apex Bullet Damage Numbers : apexlegends

This chart displays the damage amount of the weapons in the game Apex Legends. This is a simplified chart as many more aspects of the game come into play when determining what the damage output of a weapons and the damage taken is as weapon attachments along with armour are a big factor but here we can see the amount of damage is split into two separate registrations. One being the body "b" and head being "h".

Fortnite: How much does each weapon really do? Now you know with these  charts | Gaming Editorial

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This chart displays the damage output from weapons in the extremely popular game, Fortnite. This chart is much more clear and easily followed. The weapon reload time is something I did not consider in my development before seeing this image, this is something I will need to thin about and add, also adding a reload animation is a possibility for my game. I look forward to learning more and putting that into practice.

Fortnite Shotguns guide (V9.00) – Fortnite Shotgun tips, Fortnite's best  Shotgun, how to win Shotgun fights | Rock Paper Shotgun

This mechanic from games such as Fortnite, Apex Legends and many more games is something I would love to implement into my game. A damage notifier, letting players know how much damage they are done to a target. I would keep it simple and have only two damage amounts as I plan on only having one weapon in the game. The hit detection will be body/legs and the head dealing two separate values. I'm unsure yet how exactly I'm going to complete this but hopefully with the help of Youtube tutorials I'll get there.

Depending on distance from the target, the damage value should appear according to distance, meaning if the enemy if further away, the hit value should be slightly bigger as apposed to being very close to the target as that could be off-putting while shooting.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - DOOR BREACH on Make a GIF

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For my third possible mechanic, I would like to add some environment or obstacles. I'm thinking of adding doors to rooms with multiple targets in separate rooms positioned differently each room. This will act as a door breach and then begin eliminating the targets. The door will simple open and the targets will already be stationary. I don't plan on adding any extra animation to the door opening just keep it simple.

I will also need some sort of reload animation, nothing too spectacular as I would like to focus more on my otherr game mechanics but I believe a reload animation is necessary in any shooter.


  1. Hey Matthew
    Love the idea of make a sort fps demo game, It would be hard to keep it from getting to complex but i'm sure if you get help from lets the unity assets page you'll do just fine. I know that unity actually have their own tutorials on making a fast past fps shooter game up on YouTube so you should definitely check that out! You should look into a game called "AimLabs" it came out there a few months ago and i use it often for aim training before matches, it has some unique aim training's you could maybe implement into your game. If you can mange to pull off that opening concept of breaching a door to begin the level that be hella awesome i mean it wouldn't be that complex just an animation you could probably find online or learn to make yourself even! Anyways good luck with the idea, i hope it turns out well!

  2. Hi Matthew,
    I really like your game idea. I'm glad to see someone doing something really similar to me. I'm doing a training shooting game. I really like that you're really thinking in depth about the mechanics of the gun different. Also the example of Fortnite is very good as the damage is seen on the screen very clear.
    I was wondering if this game will be level based or competitive and so on. I really want to know more about it. Also will the opponents or targets interact with the player? Can they shoot back at you?
    I am slightly confused on the location of this game. Is it going to be set on a plane or do you start at a plane and move into the wood or buildings surrounding the plane?
    That's it from me. I am really excited to hear more about your game idea! Keep it up, Denis.


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