Growth Mindset & My Future

 Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset: How To Shift To A Path Of Learning And  Growth | TechTello

Growth Mindset (Taken from Google Images)

      Key Points


This is my first time being introduced to Carrol Dweck and the Growth Mindset. During my time in secondary school I would definitely consider myself to have a fixed mindset. I felt those who were smart and did well were just wired that way and people, like me who never enjoyed school and felt it was a waste of time as nothing really interested me were stuck feeling out of place in school. That does not mean I felt this way in all avenues of life. 

   I definitely had more of a growth mindset when it came to passions of mine. A big one being the gym. Growth is everything when weight training and I understood consistency and work would get me to where I wanted to be this applies to gaming, another passion of mine. I didn't realise the impact consistency had until recently when building my Twitch channel. Each day, setting a time and putting in hours really excelled me. I suppose this is the same to those who enjoyed school work and would consistently do their homework. Homework was never for me!

   I've found from last year, Year 1 at TUD and the year before, my PLC that I work much better and much harder when interested in what I'm doing. Some people can have a task and whether they are interested or passionate about it, they can still fulfil it and give it all their energy. Sadly I know I'm not the same I find it so difficult to do. It's something I would love to change about myself and maybe this Growth mindset will at some point get me there but for the foreseeable future I doubt that will be the case. I am interested in developing this mindset but not in a way of learning about it from texts or research. I feel it would benefit me to work on things I enjoy and subconsciously develop said trait.

   Going into Year 2 I want to be more open about my learning. I feel I'm stuck in my ways in some aspects as I know I'm good at them, for instance. I use Photoshop over Illustrator as I have more experience in Photoshop but I know it will be very beneficial to me in the future to learn Illustrator properly. The same applied to Premier Pro, For years I have used Sony Vegas but Premier pro seems like a better software to use, although I'm aware of this I'm just not finding the motivation to learn it. I even bought the Adobe Software and still have not once opened it. That needs to change this year.


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