Game Design


Gaming labyrinth game design GIF on GIFER - by Chillbrand

When I think of game design, I immediately think of triple A titles and how much work goes into the storyboard, character development, textures, graphics everything and am overwhelmed but after my reading of the below text I've realised that I need to take a step back and focus on simpler projects. 2D games, indie game and more of that nature. I'm very excited to begin the development of a game no matter what size and it something I can definitely see myself be interested in the future s gaming is such a huge part of my life. First and foremost, I must understand what a game is!


In summary, according to Ian Schreiber a game is;t

  • Games are an activity
  • Games have conflict
  • Games have rules
  • Games have goals
  • Games involve decision making
  • Games involve no material gain
  • Games have an uncertain outcome
  • Games are representation or smiulation
  • Games are a form of art 

For the most part I agree with everything said but, "games have no material gain" I do not agree with. We've seen that gaming in recent years has become mainstream. I remember when I was younger I would refrain from telling people I play games as people thought gaming was "weird" or you're a "loser" if you spend all your time inside playing games instead of playing sports or doing things outside. Not I proudly say I play and compete in games. The gaming industry has grown so much. Being exceptional at a game can lead to great things especially financial gain, therefore I disagree.

We see huge companies sponsor and get involved in games now. Having their branding in the form of an in game accessory or sponsoring streamers. Companies the likes of Red Bull sponsoring streaming like Ninja and more for just, playing games. Entertaining also of course but people are they to watch him play a game. This is also the case for eSports. 

Schrieber also mentions, which I found interested that in all games you are either running towards or running away from something. I never thought about that but each objective in games you must complete by moving towards to get to a checkpoint or running from something potentially trying to kill you.


The second text "The Organic nature Of Game Ideation"

by Annakaisa Kultima

This leans heavily on the development of games, the abstract premature ideas which spark brainstorming and evolve into huge projects and determine the direction the game is going in. 

Quote from The Organic nature of Game ideation

This was a powerful comment from one the interviewees that were asked their opinion on a game being developed. Sometimes things seem solid and when executed can go one of two ways, one way being very successful and can move on to the next task, the second being it goes wrong or completely wrong but you learn from it and use it to your benefit.

It is not necessary that the idea stays intact. Sometimes there are those exceptional cases where the idea is somehow very clear and pure and it is very straightforward to concept it and elaborate into details. In that way the pre-production is very successful and it makes the production itself as straightforward and there are no bigger crises and huge iteration rounds so that the fun part can be found. But then again there are also opposite cases, that there has been idea that seemed good and then you have started and gone with it upside down and it has changed completely, but still the end result have been something very valuable or it has been a commercial hit. Games are an activity. Games have rules. Games have conflict.
decision making.


  1. Hi Matthew! I really like your blog post on Games Design. I really like your form of writing as well. I like how you stated what a game was according to Ian Schreiber and used quotes by Annakaisa Kultima. The GIF you used for the blog post looks very well. It is the first GIF I have seen on a blog post. Very well done Matthew :)


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